Plastic Extruder Panel Upgrade

We can help implement concepts. Whatever the operational requirements are we can help implement them. We can build new control panels to fit the purpose.

We can also rebuild old machinery and upgrade electrical panels to new requirements with the main goal to inject a new life into old equipment and extend its productive life; namely old forgotten machinery but required to operate again and questionable in regard of its integrity.

Part of the process is assessing feasibility to replace old hardware with new modern automation, more reliable, flexible and easier to maintain including smart relays, PLC’s, human/machine interface and drives; programming and interconnecting with existing hardware.


Automatic Start/Stop for blower and rotary valve controlled by H/L level sensors 25Amp/600V (material conveying)

Repurposed old control panel to control one grinder (Y-Delta) and feeding conveyors 150Amp/600V (plastic processing)

Resolving non-compliant issues outlined in ESA field evaluation reports 30Amp/230V (thin film plastic extrusion)

Central control panel rebuilt as per client requirements 250Amp/600V (recycling)